Deputy Principal’s Message

What an eventful term! It is always so busy in Term 3, where we celebrate Literacy and Numeracy week, Science Week, Qurban Campaign, and other fun filled activities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our enthusiastic students and parents, and our passionate teachers for making it all possible.

New Campus

You may have had the chance to have a look at the Dallas Campus upgrades that have been happening for some time now. If you haven’t had a chance, I encourage you to drive around to see the exciting new building and school grounds that is being established. We are all very excited for the future of Sirius College Eastmeadows Primary students moving there in the near future.


You would have noticed we have had more of a stricter approach to uniform this term. Thank you for ensuring your child is in full school uniform on a daily basis. Some families have been getting a phone call to come in to bring a change of uniform, if the student is in the correct uniform. Together, we can instil a pride in uniform in our students.


For parents that wish to use the playgroup program – which is run voluntarily by one of our parents, Mrs Altinors – there are some vacancies for preschool aged children to join in. The program usually runs from 9.00am-11.45am on Friday mornings. Please leave your details at main reception if you wish to join.

Resilience in children

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from stress, adversity, failure, challenges, or even trauma. Resilience is a skill that children develop as they grow. Resilient children are more likely to take healthy risks because they don't fear falling short of expectations. It is important for both the home and school to work on the student’s resilience skills together. There is some useful information about what you can do at home to build your child’s resilience skills at the link below.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Nazan Zengin
Deputy Principal